More Comprehensive Test Areas of Cross-border e-Commerce
- On November 21, 2018
The State Council of China approved 22 cities to become new comprehensive test areas of China cross-border e-commerce on 19th of July, 2018. The total cities hit 35 in total, along with former 13 cities.
These new cities are Beijing, Hohhot, Shenyang, Changchun, Harbin, Nanjing, Nanchang, Wuhan, Changsha, Nanning, Haikou, Guiyang, Kunming, Xi’an, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Tangshan, Wuxi, Weihai, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Yiwu.
This indicates clearly that China encourages Chinese people to purchase more products through these test areas from around the world, under the condition that US-China gets fighting in trade currently.
The followings are the rankings of 13 cities in former comprehensive test areas of China cross-border e-commerce, according to 100EC report.
Rank | City | Transaction Scale | Score | e-Commerce Players in This Area |
1 | Shenzhen | 19.25 | 95.99 | 环球易购、有棵树、递四方、百事泰、傲基电商、么么嗖、通拓科技、价之链、跨境翼、赛维网络、爱淘城、帕拓逊 |
2 | Guangzhou | 18.63 | 92.26 | 唯品会、环球市场、网上广交会、出口易、卓志供应链、美悦优品、摩登网 |
3 | Hangzhou | 17.21 | 90.77 | 阿里巴巴国际站、全球速卖通、生意宝、天猫国际、网易考拉海购、淘宝全球购、执御、海拍客、环球捕手、贝贝网、海蜜、Pingpong金融 |
4 | Ningbo | 14.43 | 83.76 | 淘淘羊、摩西、YY趣购、世贸通、跨境购、正正电商、欧购、宁波保税区网上商城、畅行、宁兴优贝、又一猫、海猫商城 |
5 | Zhengzhou | 15.28 | 79.44 | 中大门、万国优品、保税国际、富安娜、世界工厂网、西联坐标 |
6 | Shanghai | 14.47 | 77.49 | eBay、洋码头、小红书、55海淘、海欢网、波罗蜜、美购、汇付天下、1号店、丰趣海淘、55海淘 |
7 | Chengdu | 13.05 | 72.79 | 米兰网、德宝海购、信通信息、汇通天下、澳美优品、宝妈乐购、爱林善集、易欧蓉、摩宝网络、现代金控、蓉欧联合、丝路易购 |
8 | Suzhou | 13.26 | 70.6 | 虎丘婚纱城、沃金网络、苏州婚纱定制网、破浪电商、雷盛网络、阿拉丁 |
9 | Chongqing | 12.45 | 68.11 | 大龙网、55海淘、乐易海购、爱购保税、世纪购、海享购、西港全球购 |
10 | Qingdao | 10.87 | 67.3 | 新华锦、敬福云商、希福易购、易品全球购、壹通信息、雷迅在线、商贸通、启德供应链、橡胶谷 |
11 | Hefei | 11.93 | 66.72 | 百大易购、海购汇晓万家、合趣网络、邮境通、格致优品 |
12 | Tianjing | 12.83 | 63.32 | 蒲尚科技、云动力、阳光码头、一帆海购网、欧贸商城、小斑马科技、海鸟城、天天希杰、多贺谷、酷吧全球购 |
13 | Dalian | 11.42 | 61.86 | 大渔国际、出口时代网、设备时代网、天天出口通、海宝国际、诗家装、一生一纱、大连天呈、中国方舟 |